Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Finding your inner child...

As a child we express so much passion in our daily activities, that is how we discover our likes and dislikes. We know early on what we are capable and incapable of and pursue what we love. Unfortunately as we get older our creative expression receives a lot of doubt and put downs, because we are no longer children and we can no longer 'play' and 'express' like one, we must grow up!

I say this with experience... As I mentioned in my first post, my passion, and where I showcase the most creativity comes from anything that I am baking or cooking. 
I would like to say early on in my childhood, probably around the time I received my favorite toy ever (The easy bake oven) was when I discovered what I am capable of and what I love to do. I remember  before I entered high school, I had dreams of becoming a chef and traveling to Paris. However by the time I was in grade 10/11, I lost that idea because there was an immense pressure to become something greater then what I loved to do, like becoming a nurse or a veteranarian (while I have a love for helping others and animals, it wasn't something I saw myself pursuing). So it was not until I was in my third year of university when I started to bake and cook again and began to showcase my talent. It took some time but I started receiving a lot of positive feedback from friends, family and co-workers and support to open a bakery one day. 

So now I want YOU to think back, what was it that you loved as a child.. what made you so special? Did you lose sight of something that you loved to do? Try and bring those memories back. But remember this can take time and you must bring on courage and dedication!

As my course suggests: "When you draw a strong connecting line between the child you were and the adult you are it is a clear sign that you are in harmony with your authentic self"

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

You are an artist...

Almost anyone and everyone have a passion or a hidden talent that defines who they are as person, and more often then not these talents can play a huge part in your future. This blog is created for my final university project in my Psychology of Creativity class and my goal is to help individuals (both young and old) discover, evaluate and showcase there talents, so that they can realize there true selves.
I will be using several ideas and concepts introduced in my class, as well as showcase one of my passions -- baking and cooking. In the end I hope to inspire other individuals and conceivably improve the world by having these individuals realize that they can create there own future and if these individuals can help inspire others, then almost everyone can use there talents to improve themselves and the world.