Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Creativity Myths

There are a few myths that consume creative thinking and (ultimately) prevents the individual from living out a creative life. Here are some of those myths:

1. Creativity is only present in the arts... Some people feel that because they cannot draw, sing, or act they are not born to be a creative person. This is a very big misconception, everyone is born with a creative ability, it just takes a while for some to realize their true talents. "Creativity is a way of thinking, a way of living.".

2. Creativity is about having ONE talent... Wrong! Creativity can be a surplus of talents, and you can focus each talent on different aspects of your life. For example, enrolling in classes that fuels more creativity or volunteering outside of your job. You can never go wrong with having multiple talents, in fact your creativity lifestyle will become stronger from it.

3. There is a time limit to Creativity... This is a widely thought of assumption, where we think "I'm too old, and it's too late". There is no time limit on creativity, if there was it would be a creative block, and we would feel pressured and our creative thinking would stifle. So even if you're 63 and have always wanted to play an instrument, GO AHEAD! There is nothing that is stopping you.
Career Profile: Grandmas Moses who on her 100th birthday painted the illustrations in 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'

4. Money lies in the Creative world... Being a creative individual means seeing what others cannot see, it's what sets you apart from others. If you are the creative type that sees a potential for business, I suggest you go for it. But not all creative activities have monetary value. You should not have to start living a creative life because money is involved, you should be living a creative life because it makes you happy, because it is for you!

Follow the three C's...

Courage"Courage is about authenticity... It's about being yourself... Courage is about telling the truth".

The first step in living out your life creatively is gaining courage, believing that you are capable of following your true path. Courage also helps release the real you, and at the same time it helps you accomplish things that once scared you!

: "Is really faith, the believe that you can do it one and then do it again"

The second step is gaining and remaining confident in your abilities and talents. Without confidence your life will be consumed by rejection and negativity. This quote "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams..." is written on the cover of my recipe book, and I see it as a daily reminder that my dreams and talent matter and as a result I can live my life confidently.

Commitment: "Is about consistency, and it is an act of the will"
The last step to living out your creative life is to remain committed. Commitment happens when you have a true passion for the talents you possess, and you cannot imagine yourself doing anything else. If you are living your life in which you are not entirely committed too then you will end up unhappy, and you will realize that you are doing it based on convenience (NOT ONE OF THE 3 C's!!).

The three C's is a guide for every individual who wish to live a creative life. Once these individuals gain courage to set out their creative life, they must remain confident and committed so that in the end their creative self will flourish!

Friday, November 16, 2012


If you are going to hide your talents, passions and creativity. You are hiding your true self from the world!

Showcasing your talents, I personally feel is important to become known in the community and in the world.

We live in a technology based society, so there is no reason for not trying to advertise what it is that you love to do.

If you are a singer, musician, artist, actor, etc. There are so many ways you can showcase: YouTube, Facebook, Myspace, and much much more. In addition, go out and audition... you don't necessarily have to put yourself on the internet to become known, you can become known by auditioning for that musical or play that you simply love.

Career Profile: Justin Bieber, become a world-wide phenomenon by uploading himself singing on YouTube. Superstars fought to sign him!

If you are a creator of design, food, pictures and words...use blog websites (much like this one), or Tumblr & Pinterest, or simply create your own website.
In addition to showcasing, and individual should also know and locate there resources! Get help from people you know and use what you have. Other individuals are the most powerful resource, putting together their knowledge and your knowledge can lead to a successful career.

You can visit my blog that showcases my baking and decorating skills right here: http://sweetest-cupcake.tumblr.com/. It's a start, but I use to this website show the world what I am capable of and if anyone in the community wants to order cupcakes from me, I use this website to show what I can make, and they can choose from here.

No need for negativity...

"Getting rid of all the I can't and why bother's clears a pathway for your talents to emerge"

Everyday we are surrounded by some form of negative thought, whether it's your inner feelings or someone you know or don't know is bringing you down.

This post is basically written to let every individual know who has a passion to do something unbelievable and turn it into something believable, to make it possible, because nothing is impossible.

Only the individual themselves can make it impossible by listening to all the negativity that surrounds them. Getting rid of all those thoughts, an individual should go back, rediscover and start over with more positive thinking. This clears the mind of the individual and helps them realize who they are and what they are capable of. An individual must also let go of "loose baggage", be around positive (like-minded) thinkers. This gives the individual a sense of belonging, knowing you have an audience and crowd of believers, giving you the idea that " I can do it". Lastly an individual must forget everything they knew, if you hold to past negativity you will never move forward. So let go and begin again.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Take the Challenge...

"Creativity will take you outside your comfort zone: hence the fear. Your talents are the harbinger of your full potential. Following them will take you to the better side of the tracks"(Fern Kagan, Creativity kit)

Challenges are meant to strengthen the individual, they are also meant to push the individual to go after something they love. Taking the challenge is not meant to put down anyone and it is not meant to judge or stall the individual from succeeding. What it is meant to take the challenge is to think what is it that is holding you back from doing what love? Can you challenge it? Of course you can, no one and nothing can stop you. Prove to yourself first and others later that you are able to create your own future. 
Another way you can take the challenge is to stop doing what you don't want to do anymore and start doing something you love. To exemplify, this is a successful duo who changed their careers, changed what they knew and started in a business that they loved.

Career Profile: Inspired by their grandmother, in 2008, Katherine and Sophie traded careers in fashion and venture capital to follow their passion for baking and opened Georgetown Cupcake in Washington, DC. (http://www.georgetowncupcake.com/about.html)

Last thing I want to note is don't have any regrets. Where you were before is still a part of who you are now. Don't think that "I wasted so much time", and know that these were just stepping stones in becoming who you've always wanted to be. 

I have never regretted going to university for four years, studying psychology. I loved learning about the human mind and human behaviour. Last year I had the option of dropping out and getting a head start in opening my own business, but I chose not to because I did not want to look back and think I never got my diploma in university and regret it. I knew I will have time, and in-between I used my free time while I wasn't studying or in school to enhance my skills in baking and researched the industry and what it would take to open up my own bakery.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Reflection: Do the research

This is the first of many reflections that I want each individual to explore.

...We all have passions, but are these passions realistic? Is there a future career involving your passion? Even though we each have something that we love to do day in and day out, they have to be realistic, something that can help us create our future. Do the research! Find out if there are jobs out there, or what steps to take.
I was talking to a really close friend of mine and although her first love is music and singing, she also discovered another one of her true passion was personal fitness. She did the research and it set to take courses and also found a possible job that will help her advance a career.
If there is no possible future that includes your passion, then keep it as a hobby. Don't ever lose sight of what you love! Because it is then that you lose sight of your true self.