"Getting rid of all the I can't and why bother's clears a pathway for your talents to emerge"
Everyday we are surrounded by some form of negative thought, whether it's your inner feelings or someone you know or don't know is bringing you down.
This post is basically written to let every individual know who has a passion to do something unbelievable and turn it into something believable, to make it possible, because nothing is impossible.
Only the individual themselves can make it impossible by listening to all the negativity that surrounds them. Getting rid of all those thoughts, an individual should go back, rediscover and start over with more positive thinking. This clears the mind of the individual and helps them realize who they are and what they are capable of. An individual must also let go of "loose baggage", be around positive (like-minded) thinkers. This gives the individual a sense of belonging, knowing you have an audience and crowd of believers, giving you the idea that " I can do it". Lastly an individual must forget everything they knew, if you hold to past negativity you will never move forward. So let go and begin again.
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