Here are some of the projects that stood out in my class, I wish I took down some of the websites (when I figure them out I'll post them)
- One individual devoted his lifestyle to becoming vegan, and created a website that educates the benefits by becoming a vegan, he also suggested meal plans and foods that contain various vitamins and proteins that out body needs daily.
- A group of girls created a tumblr blog about being imperfect [#bimperfect, (Im)Perfect] and showcased both males and females through photographs and each individual was able to write down the flaws they embrace and love on the poster. I think this is an important message that needs to be conveyed in society.
- Another group created the '1love' campaign which was designed to spread to the community positive thinking in the form of 'sticker art' (I thought this was pretty unique), the placed stickers around campus with different messages like "follow your own footsteps".
- One individual, who I can imagine had a hard time presenting his project came up with a totally unique and awesome project, he created a children's book about the creativity class and he made it rhyme!! Kudos to him!
- Lastly there was a project created that acknowledge good deeds, this group created a blue flower and whenever they saw a simple good deed happening, they passed on the blue flower to that individual and told them to pass it on to someone else they witnessed doing something good, and some of the deeds done were as simple as opening the door for someone. This was a really cool idea, and it makes others feel appreciated.

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